Saturday, April 9, 2011

"Writing will take you from where you are to anyplace you want to go..." Jeffrey Gitomer, The Little Red Book on Selling

Just finished listening to Jeffrey Gitomer's Little Red Book of Selling while driving around for my Opera By Children visits.  He's a brilliant and fun author and authority on selling.  In a sort of inspired-to-continue-even-though-the-book-is-over afterward he somewhat randomly flows into a discussion of the importance of writing.  If nothing else, he was inspired for me.  The following are exceprts:

If someone were to ask me for one thing I could pinpoint to my success, without a nanosecond of thought I would answer writing...

Success is a low level word when I describe what the discipline of writing has done for my career, my success, my fulfilment and my legacy...

If you only choose to believe one thing that I tell you, believe that writing will take you from where you are to any place you want to go...

I wish there was a way that I could explain the power of the written word. The only thing I can say is to reinforce my earlier statement that every piece of my business good fortune for the past fifteen years has in some way or another come from my writing.

For more on Jeffrey Gitomer, go to  


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